We offer and supply equipment for monitoring and measuring vibration. Sale of strain gauge equipment
Our mission is provide the widest choice of quality hotel equipment and goods for hospitality industries across the globe, whilst guaranteeing value for money and excellent customer service.
Also, in partnership with our related companies we operate distribution of sanitary equipment and electronics (Smarthome and ESHM)
Mirial Group is also an e-commerce marketing automation service provider, creates useful business tools and provides technical tools to ensure customer success.
Our Company’s decades of experience in advertising and technology have led to the creation of products that give marketers the tools they need to succeed in a highly competitive advertising environment and generate additional results.
We provide:
Our range of carpets and rugs designed according to the need of customer. Our product range is targeted for the clients who have interests in rugs and carpets for hotels, villas, resorts etc.
Through DSO, our carpets can be recoloured to suit clients’ schemes and viewed in a typical commercial interior to provide a realistic visual representation of the recoloured designs online. This can enable the client to consider and develop their choice of design options from within their own premises.